A1 How To Count In Spanish Numbers 0-100


Learning how to count in Spanish is a fundamental skill for beginners.


At the A1 CEFR level, mastering Spanish numbers from 0 to 100 is essential for daily interactions, shopping, and understanding time.


This blog post will guide you through the basics of Spanish numbers, their pronunciation, and practical exercises to help you learn efficiently.


Why Learn Spanish Numbers?

Understanding Spanish numbers is crucial for many aspects of daily life, including telling time, shopping, and basic conversations.


Spanish Numbers Cheat Sheet 


Doesn't seem to follow a pattern compared to the other numbers. 

20-29 (Veinte):

Veinti + uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve

30-39 (Treinta):

Treinta y + uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve

40-49 (Cuarenta):

Cuarenta y + uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve

50-59 (Cincuenta):

Cincuenta y + uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve

60-69 (Sesenta):

Sesenta y + uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve

70-79 (Setenta):

Setenta y + uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve

80-89 (Ochenta):

Ochenta y + uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve

90-99 (Noventa):

Noventa y + uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve


Individual Spanish Numbers 0-100 

Here is a comprehensive list of Spanish numbers from 0 to 100, along with their pronunciation:

0 - cero

Pronunciation: seh-roh

1 - uno

Pronunciation: oo-noh

2 - dos

Pronunciation: dos

3 - tres

Pronunciation: tres

4 - cuatro

Pronunciation: kwah-troh

5 - cinco

Pronunciation: seen-koh

6 - seis

Pronunciation: says

7 - siete

Pronunciation: syeh-teh

8 - ocho

Pronunciation: oh-choh

9 - nueve

Pronunciation: nweh-veh

10 - diez

Pronunciation: dyes

11 - once

Pronunciation: on-seh

12 - doce

Pronunciation: doh-seh

13 - trece

Pronunciation: treh-seh

14 - catorce

Pronunciation: kah-tor-seh

15 - quince

Pronunciation: keen-seh

16 - dieciséis

Pronunciation: dyeh-see-says

17 - diecisiete

Pronunciation: dyeh-see-syeh-teh

18 - dieciocho

Pronunciation: dyeh-see-oh-choh

19 - diecinueve

Pronunciation: dyeh-see-nweh-veh

20 - veinte

Pronunciation: bvehn-teh

21 - veintiuno

Pronunciation: bvehn-tee-oo-noh

22 - veintidós


Pronunciation: bvehn-tee-dos


23 - veintitrés

Pronunciation: bvehn-tee-tres

24 - veinticuatro

Pronunciation: bvehn-tee-kwah-troh

25 - veinticinco

Pronunciation: bvehn-tee-seen-koh

26 - veintiséis

Pronunciation: bvehn-tee-says

27 - veintisiete

Pronunciation: bvehn-tee-syeh-teh

28 - veintiocho

Pronunciation: bvehn-tee-oh-choh

29 - veintinueve

Pronunciation: bvehn-tee-nweh-veh

30 - treinta

Pronunciation: treyn-tah

31 - treinta y uno

Pronunciation: treyn-tah ee oo-noh

32 - treinta y dos

Pronunciation: treyn-tah ee dos

33 - treinta y tres

Pronunciation: treyn-tah ee tres

34 - treinta y cuatro

Pronunciation: treyn-tah ee kwah-troh

35 - treinta y cinco

Pronunciation: treyn-tah ee seen-koh

36 - treinta y seis

Pronunciation: treyn-tah ee says

37 - treinta y siete

Pronunciation: treyn-tah ee syeh-teh

38 - treinta y ocho

Pronunciation: treyn-tah ee oh-choh

39 - treinta y nueve

Pronunciation: treyn-tah ee nweh-veh

40 - cuarenta


Pronunciation: kwah-ren-tah

41 - cuarenta y uno

Pronunciation: kwah-ren-tah ee oo-noh

42 - cuarenta y dos

Pronunciation: kwah-ren-tah ee dos

43 - cuarenta y tres

Pronunciation: kwah-ren-tah ee tres

44 - cuarenta y cuatro

Pronunciation: kwah-ren-tah ee kwah-troh


45 - cuarenta y cinco


Pronunciation: kwah-ren-tah ee seen-koh


46 - cuarenta y seis


Pronunciation: kwah-ren-tah ee says


47 - cuarenta y siete


Pronunciation: kwah-ren-tah ee syeh-teh


48 - cuarenta y ocho


Pronunciation: kwah-ren-tah ee oh-choh


49 - cuarenta y nueve


Pronunciation: kwah-ren-tah ee nweh-veh


50 - cincuenta


Pronunciation: seen-kwehn-tah

51 - cincuenta y uno

Pronunciation: seen-kwehn-tah ee oo-noh

52 - cincuenta y dos

Pronunciation: seen-kwehn-tah ee dos

53 - cincuenta y tres

Pronunciation: seen-kwehn-tah ee tres

54 - cincuenta y cuatro

Pronunciation: seen-kwehn-tah ee kwah-troh

55 - cincuenta y cinco

Pronunciation: seen-kwehn-tah ee seen-koh

56 - cincuenta y seis

Pronunciation: seen-kwehn-tah ee says


57 - cincuenta y siete

Pronunciation: seen-kwehn-tah ee syeh-teh

58 - cincuenta y ocho


Pronunciation: seen-kwehn-tah ee oh-choh

59 - cincuenta y nueve

Pronunciation: seen-kwehn-tah ee nweh-veh

60 - sesenta

Pronunciation: seh-sehn-tah

61 - sesenta y uno


Pronunciation: seh-sehn-tah ee oo-noh


62 - sesenta y dos


Pronunciation: seh-sehn-tah ee dos


63 - sesenta y tres


Pronunciation: seh-sehn-tah ee tres


64 - sesenta y cuatro


Pronunciation: seh-sehn-tah ee kwah-troh


65 - sesenta y cinco


Pronunciation: seh-sehn-tah ee seen-koh


66 - sesenta y seis


Pronunciation: seh-sehn-tah ee says


67 - sesenta y siete


Pronunciation: seh-sehn-tah ee syeh-teh


68 - sesenta y ocho


Pronunciation: seh-sehn-tah ee oh-choh


69 - sesenta y nueve


Pronunciation: seh-sehn-tah ee nweh-veh


70 - setenta


Pronunciation: seh-tehn-tah


71 - setenta y uno


Pronunciation: seh-tehn-tah ee oo-noh


72 - setenta y dos


Pronunciation: seh-tehn-tah ee dos


73 - setenta y tres


Pronunciation: seh-tehn-tah ee tres


74 - setenta y cuatro


Pronunciation: seh-tehn-tah ee kwah-troh


75 - setenta y cinco


Pronunciation: seh-tehn-tah ee seen-koh


76 - setenta y seis


Pronunciation: seh-tehn-tah ee says


77 - setenta y siete


Pronunciation: seh-tehn-tah ee syeh-teh


78 - setenta y ocho


Pronunciation: seh-tehn-tah ee oh-choh


79 - setenta y nueve


Pronunciation: seh-tehn-tah ee nweh-veh


80 - ochenta


Pronunciation: oh-chehn-tah


81 - ochenta y uno


Pronunciation: oh-chehn-tah ee oo-noh


82 - ochenta y dos


Pronunciation: oh-chehn-tah ee dos


83 - ochenta y tres


Pronunciation: oh-chehn-tah ee tres


84 - ochenta y cuatro


Pronunciation: oh-chehn-tah ee kwah-troh


85 - ochenta y cinco


Pronunciation: oh-chehn-tah ee seen-koh


86 - ochenta y seis


Pronunciation: oh-chehn-tah ee says


87 - ochenta y siete


Pronunciation: oh-chehn-tah ee syeh-teh


88 - ochenta y ocho


Pronunciation: oh-chehn-tah ee oh-choh


89 - ochenta y nueve


Pronunciation: oh-chehn-tah ee nweh-veh


90 - noventa


Pronunciation: noh-vehn-tah


91 - noventa y uno


Pronunciation: noh-vehn-tah ee oo-noh


92 - noventa y dos


Pronunciation: noh-vehn-tah ee dos


93 - noventa y tres


Pronunciation: noh-vehn-tah ee tres


94 - noventa y cuatro


Pronunciation: noh-vehn-tah ee kwah-troh


95 - noventa y cinco


Pronunciation: noh-vehn-tah ee seen-koh


96 - noventa y seis


Pronunciation: noh-vehn-tah ee says


97 - noventa y siete


Pronunciation: noh-vehn-tah ee syeh-teh


98 - noventa y ocho


Pronunciation: noh-vehn-tah ee oh-choh


99 - noventa y nueve


Pronunciation: noh-vehn-tah ee nweh-veh


100 - cien


Pronunciation: syen


Practical Counting Exercises


Counting Objects

Practice counting everyday objects in Spanish, such as books, fruits, or steps.


This will help you become comfortable with the numbers and their pronunciation.


Writing Numbers

Write out the numbers from 0 to 100 in Spanish.


This will help you remember the spelling and pronunciation.



Learning how to count in Spanish is an essential skill for beginners.


By mastering Spanish numbers from 0 to 100, you will build a strong foundation for your language learning journey.

Explore our e-commerce store for ambitious people.


Or continue to learn Spanish for free here.


Happy learning!

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